WooHoo!!! Graduation Baby!!!!
Rant by Koshai on May 28, 2010
And so I graduated! It was one hell of a day. At first there has been a mess up since I arrived late and the authorities skipped my name since they were informed I was absent. After some hiatus, I managed to sneak in at last creating a minor scenario and got the diploma from the president. I also felt even better coz I am the only one from Bangladesh (that's why I saw my country's flag placed along with other flags) who graduted along with my other mates. Today my burden got lighter when I got four certificates. I can sleep so well these days with no tension. I am still in celebrating mood!!
And I am eating so much these days. Damn!! I am again getting fat. I need to get back to my healthy ways. I guess I have to resume the daily 2 hours walking when I get back to BD.
So here is a picture:
I will try to upload some more in Facebook! And so no worries. I am almost done with the video review. I am having some issues while mixing David's voice with the video.
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