Xbox One will support used games, game licensing detailed
News by Grayshadow on Jun 07, 2013
You can give your Xbox One games to your friends, but only after they've been your friend on Xbox Live for more than a month, according to Microsoft's new rules about the Xbox One.
All titles will be available for both disc or digital form, and will need to be installed on your Xbox One once you log in. Once logged into Xbox Live the game will be installed onto your cloud, allowing you to play it wherever you log into your profile on Xbox One. Up to ten family members can log on to your shared games on any Xbox One and play it anywhere at anytime.
You'll still have the option to resell that game to a retailer, but the retailer will have to sign up with Microsoft's Xbox Live service to do so. Microsoft won't charge a fee to do this but a "third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers." Microsoft won't receive any compensation if publishers decide to do this and in addition third parties "can enable you to give games to friends."
Microsoft also stated that your ability to loan or rent games "won't be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with out partners." However according to Microsoft" In the months ahead, we will coninue to listen to your feedback as we meet with our partners in the ecosystem to bring additional detail about or policies."
Microsoft also stated that your ability to loan or rent games "won't be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with out partners." However according to Microsoft" In the months ahead, we will coninue to listen to your feedback as we meet with our partners in the ecosystem to bring additional detail about or policies."
Source: Xbox
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