Batgirl is The Sole Reason to Play Gotham Knights

Batgirl will be the only reason for me to ever get back into playing Gotham Knights again.

Opinion by Rayan on  Oct 26, 2022

Now that video games have advanced to this point, players are no longer limited to just shooting and killing enemies; instead, they may spend hours upon hours delving deeper into the games' narratives, characters, and experiences.

It is stated that a good game is much better than a good movie, particularly since it does give not only a fantastic tale but also an engaging experience. This is due to the fact that games deliver both at the same time. Gotham Knights, published by Warner Bros., was released a week ago and had the promise to become one of those games.

Gotham Knights, Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, Female Protagonist, Skill Tree, Costumes, Customization, NoobFeed

Since the release of Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2009, I've been a big fan of games based on the Batman franchise, and when it was revealed that Gotham Knights would be coming out, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. However, after I really got my hands on the game, my level of dissatisfaction reached an all-time low, and I'm not sure if I'll bother playing it again, which should give you some sense of the game's quality in general.

But I'm not here to talk about Gotham Knights; I want to talk about Batgirl. Even while Gotham Knights fails to make a heroic entrance, the game's full potential is displayed within Batgirl's tight costume. You may call me a deviant, but Batgirl is the only reason for me to ever get back into this game.

For those who don't know much about Batgirl, willpower and determination are two qualities that not many individuals can measure up to those Barbara Gordon has. Barbara has never been a person who sits back and does nothing.

Gotham Knights, Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, Female Protagonist, Skill Tree, Costumes, Customization, NoobFeed

To her way of thinking, there is never an opportunity to retreat. After suffering a spinal injury that jeopardized her job as a criminal investigator, she responded by utilizing her knowledge as Oracle, a forensic intelligence center with a worldwide reach.

She finally made a full recovery after enduring years of agony, many surgeries, and extensive rehabilitation. Batgirl made her way back to Gotham City after being bolstered by Oracle as well as Barbara's now unshakable commitment to save the city.

Batgirl has extensive training in a number of different combat disciplines, including jiu-jitsu, capoeira, and kickboxing, among others. The tonfa is one of her most recognizable weapons. She is also quite skilled in breaking into computers and other technical systems via coding and hacking to uncover information.

Gotham Knights, Batgirl, Ass, Barbara Gordon, Female Protagonist, Skill Tree, Costumes, Customization, NoobFeed

Many players are excited to get their feet wet with Batgirl since she is the most approachable character for newcomers to the game, and her gameplay is highly anticipated. When Batgirl successfully eliminates an opponent using stealth, we witness the game's individuality emerge for the first time.

In the game, Batgirl is represented by a sexy character model, and the developers make excellent use of this aspect of her appearance. Her powerful thighs wrap around an opponent's neck as she lands on them from high, squeezing till they collapse. This animation is a delight to the eyes of many, can't deny I too enjoyed taking down enemies from the top, and as many as possible.

You get to ride a Batcycle as an additional mode of transportation in Gotham Knights. It's a highly cutting-edge motorbike, and riding it with Batgirl is a joy, thanks to its intuitive design. Even though Batcycle isn't anything revolutionary, but when Batgirl finally gets to put the incredible power of her booty to use, that's when we realize the game's true potential.

Gotham Knights, Batgirl, Batcycle, Barbara Gordon, Female Protagonist, Skill Tree, Costumes, Customization, NoobFeed

In Gotham Knights, each hero is equipped with skill trees, much as in other role-playing games. Action points are awarded to players as a result of leveling up, which happens automatically the more the player carries out the role of the character in the game.

The number of points a player has accumulated will determine the skills they can unlock with their action points, and the player will be able to pick which abilities to unlock with their action points. I'm bringing up this topic because Batgirl has four skill trees, each letting her perform different types of heavy combos, and trust me, you're going to love the views from every different angle of her kicking enemies. However, my most favorite part will always be her moving in stealth mode.

Batgirl's Justice Skill Tree allows her to damage single enemies more while enhancing her overall strength and the likelihood of landing critical blows. Her Grit Skill Tree makes her more durable and resilient so that she can last longer in battle.

The Oracle Skill Tree can be traced back to her period being confined to a wheelchair, during which she used her understanding of computers to hack the environment and call upon drones to exterminate her enemies. Finally, her Knighthood Skill Tree is available after completing a set of tasks exclusive to Batgirl.

Gotham Knights, Batgirl, Flying, Gliding, Barbara Gordon, Female Protagonist, Skill Tree, Costumes, Customization, NoobFeed

If you're a fan of Batgirl, the Loadout section of the game is of the reasons for you to replay Gotham Knights to see her in all four different costumes. Not to mention my favorite Knighthood costume. Each of her suits has different stats in terms of power, health, defense, etc.

There're tons of customization options for players to explore, and this is perhaps one of the coolest parts of the game, even though I'm yet to explore 100% of this particular feature. If you're digging this, try playing her with the capes.

Batgirl's voiceover was given by America Young, who is also known for her voiceover for Toralei Stripe at Monster High. I think she did a decent job too making Batgirl more appealing, especially during the cutscenes. Though sometimes, when the situation is a bit more severe in combat, her voice stays too calm. What I miss most is her making sounds when actually hitting the enemies.

Gotham Knights, Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, Beautiful, Female Protagonist, Skill Tree, Costumes, Customization, NoobFeed

I don't know why this was not added to the game. It's only natural for her to make a sound when she's making an extra push while gliding or doing a heavy combo on something, but she does it very rarely. She does talk to her team after each fight during the missions, but that's just it. More voice inclusion would've made playing with her far more pleasing.

Anyway, the overall experience of witnessing and playing as Batgirl is worth the try, and it's the only part of the Gotham Knights that I've enjoyed. Batgirl's mental strength, skills, and overall her attractiveness have ranked her even higher in my list of favorite female characters in video games.

Azfar Rayan (@AzfarRayan)
Editor, NoobFeed

Azfar Rayan

Senior-editor, NoobFeed

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