ANVIL: Vault Breakers Season One Launching Next Month on Steam

ANVIL: Vault Breakers early access starts next month

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 11, 2021

ANVIL: Vault Breakers is an incredible top-down rogue-like shooter and the first season is officially starting December 2nd.

ANVIL: Vault Breakers,NoobFeed,

This is an early access option coming to PC and Xbox. The full release is set for a 2022 release.

Developed by Action SquareANVIL: Vault Breakers takes players to an expansive universe where they will take control of characters called Breakers to explore various galaxies filled with hostile aliens and monsters. Teams of Breakers must battle through an onslaught of enemies to locate relics and artifacts from fabled Vaults brimming with the remnants of alien civilizations. Finding artifacts inside Vaults allows players to utilize the stunning power within to increase their ability survive and fight.


Each Breaker brings distinctive abilities and skills to combat, so players must choose wisely as they gear up to face enemies. A Breaker’s strength will increase as they equip relics acquired in previous runs, allowing them to unlock permanent stats from the season pass. With over 100 randomly generated artifacts, an assortment of galaxies to explore and distinctive threats to conquer with dozens of weapons at their disposal, players will get a unique experience every playthrough.

Players can Wishlist ANVIL: Vault Breakers on Steam today and prepare to hop into Early Access on Dec. 2 for $24.99.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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