Square Enix Releases Classic PS1 Themed Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 Edition

Very cool Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics

By Grayshadow, Posted 12 Oct 2016

Probably one of the best designed special editions comes with one of the most exciting action-adventure games of last year. A classic themed PS4 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider is going to be given to specific community members.

Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 Special Edition,NoobFeed,Crystal Dynamics,Square Enix,

The custom-made PS1 casing comes with a full instruction manual, art, and the game. It won't play on the PS1 so don't try.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is now available for PS4, PC, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Square Enix
Developer(s): Crystal Dynamics
Genres: Action-adventure
Themes: Single-Player
Release Date: 2015-11-11

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