Battlefield Insiders Get to Play the Battlefield 1 Beta One Day Early

Get a 24 hour head start

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 16, 2016

EA and DICE are giving you one massive reason to register online for the Battlefield 1 Beta before August 21st, a 24 hour early access period. 

Battlefield 1,Beta,NoobFeed,EA,DICE,

The Battlefield 1 Beta officially begins on August 31st but Battlefield Insider members will get to play on August 30th. This is only for Insider members, meaning if you don't have a code you're not getting in until August 31st.

To gain access simply log into Battlefield Insider and fill out the information required of you. Choose your console or PC and simply wait for the code. You have until August 21st to fill out the form, which is next week.

Battlefield 1 launches on October 21st for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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