Daemon X Machina is Coming to PC This Month

XSEED Games is bringing Daemon X Machina to PC this February

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 04, 2020

Daemon X Machina was a Nintendo Switch exclusive but not anymore. The game will be available on Steam this February 13th.

Daemon X Machina,NoobFeed,PC,

The mech battling titled launched back on September 13th and was published by Nintendo, making a port unlikely. But like Death Stranding releasing on the PC thanks to 505 Games Daemon X Machina will get a PC release thanks to XSEED Games.

The game will retail for $59.99 but those who pre-order will get a 20% discount. With pre-orders also including Arsenal mech, suits for your pilot, and 5 additional weapons.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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