Darksiders III's Latest Trailer Showcases Fury's Apocalypse And The Return Of Vulgrim

Darksiders III is due out later this month.

News by Woozie on  Nov 17, 2018

Darksiders III is less than two weeks away now and publisher THQ Nordic has released a new trailer that's arguably the most varied in terms of what it shows. Its two minutes go through a handful of areas yet to be showcased, like a colliseum of sorts where Fury does battle. It gives glimpses at a handful of new characters, including some of the Seven Deadly Sins that Fury Hunts. The Charred Council make an apperance as does the demon merchant Vulgrim, a familiar figure to anyone who's played the previous entries in the series.

Darksiders III follows Fury's journey in ridding an Earth ravaged by the apocalypse of the Seven Deadly Sins. A mage by nature, she can shift between different forms which not only grant various abilities. Not only that, but each form makes Scorn, Fury's hilt, morph into different weapons like her signature whips or a massive two-handed hammer. Darksiders III is set to release on November 27th on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The title also has two post-launch content packs planned.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed

Mates Bogdan Robert

, NoobFeed

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