Dragon Blaze Celebrates Five Year Anniversary With New Rewards and Content
Dragon Blaze offering special items in celebration of its 5th anniversary starting today
News by Grayshadow on May 12, 2020
Today marks the 5th anniversary of GAMEVIL's Dragon Blaze. To celebrate the developers are providing special log-in bonuses to everyone.
Beginning on May 12 and running to July 7 players will receive the following rewards.
Fifth Year Anniversary Rewards
Nine Infinity Summon Tickets x10
Infinity Card Summon x10
Five El Gaia's Weapon Summon x5
The Season 7-3 will also be implemented, adding a new exploration area called Noah, new monsters, new First Impact Allies, and increased level cap from 153 to 156. Additional improvements include an Auto Adventure System that allows players to play selection content.
Dragon Blaze is now available for mobile devices.
Adam Siddiqui,
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