Explore A Universe Of Inside-Out Planets In InnerSpace
InnerSpace is set to release on January 16th, 2018.
News by Woozie on Dec 15, 2017
PolyKnight Games are preparing for the launch of InnerSpace,a project they started while still in college and which has also undergone a succesful Kickstarter campaign. Focusing on flying exploration, InnerSpace is set in "a world of inside-out planets where gravity pulls outward instead of in." Players will explore a dying world in an attempt to recover its last remaining memoies. Different airframes will provide different abilities, allowing players to soar above and below water, while Demigods still hoarding their secrets will require careful flying on the player's part.
InnerSpace is set to release on January 16, 2018 on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac and Linux for the price of $19.99USD or your regional equivalent. Have a look at the InnerSpace launch trailer.
Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed
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