Fan Builds One of God of War's Iconic Scenes Using Legos

God of War fan builds an iconic scene with Lego

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 11, 2019

God of War is one of the best games this generation and has a large fanbase. With fans creating unique pieces of work to showcase their love for Santa Monica's creation. In a new highlight trailer, Sony showcases Marius Herrmann and how he recreated the boat scene from God of War.

God of War,NoobFeed,Santa Monica,

The scene from God of War features Atreus and Kratos after killing the Dark Elf commander and heading out of Alfheim. Here Atreus ask Kratos is he saw their mother and bitterly states that he doesn't care. It's here that Kratos, now vexed, expresses that not only does he care but Atreus lacks the focus to keep their main objective their primary goal.

The lego diorama is incredible. It looks just like the scene! 

God of War is now available for PS4. Check out our review here and our interview with game director Cory Barlog here.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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