Final Fantasy 1-6 Coming to PC and Mobile as Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster
Classic Final Fantasy's coming to mobiel and PC
News by Grayshadow on Jun 13, 2021
Square Enix is updating the classic Final Fantasy games with 2D pixel remasters for PC and mobile devices as Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster.
Final Fantasy 1-6 will receive these updates and players can purchase any one of the games individually. It's strange that Square Enix is not bringing them to consoles but it's likely they'll bring them at a later date.
As for mobile, Final Fantasy has a notorious history to release on mobile devices with major technical issues. Looking at the reviews on Google Play you'll find people voicing concerns of saving issues and other major problems that prevent progression. Speaking personally, I was unable to progress in FF9 due to a saving issue on Android. Hopefully, it won't' happen with these games.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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