Final Fantasy XV-Themed Soda Coming to Target Exclusively

First Fallout 4 with Nuka Cola and now Final Fantasy XV Energizing Elixer

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 28, 2016

Jones Soda Co and Square Enix has teamed up with Target to release an exclusive free bottle of Wiz's Energizing Elixer to anyone who buys Final Fantasy XV from Target, if you live in the US.

Final Fantasy XV,NoobFeed,Square Enix,Wiz's Energizing Soda,

Based on the image the soda will feature an orange and cream soda flavor. The item can be purchased for $2.99 but expect them to go fast. Remember when Target had a similar promotion with Nuka Cola and Fallout 4, if you want one you better act fast.

Final Fantasy XV will release November 29th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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