Here's A Massive 50 Steam Key Giveaway

Win Demigod on Steam.

News by Daavpuke on  May 21, 2013

Who loves you, gals and guys? That’s not a rhetorical question; I want answers right now. Until then, we have a new giveaway for you, because yours truly loves you. I don’t even need reaffirming that it’s a mutual thing; we’re cool, just like that.

Thanks to Indie Gala and their Gala Giveaways, we can give anyone with a Steam account a shot at a PC redeem key for none other than Demigod. This game is from previously troubled Gas Powered Games, which you may remember from such diddles as Dungeon Siege, Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

Demigod is sort of the precursor to the now popular arena online games like League of Legends and such, which offers battles with a powerful avatar, which players can also enhance. That's a ton of name dropping in just a few words.

All you need to do to enter the giveaway is go to our Gala Giveaway page and log in with your Steam account. You can then enter by submitting a bunch of points that are credited to your profile. It’s much simpler than it sounds. You basically just click a button. So go do that. Click the button.

Win Demigod here

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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