Latest Tease for Fortnite Season 5 Features an Ax
Kratos coming to Fortnite?
News by Grayshadow on Jul 10, 2018
Fortnite's season 5 is one of the most anticipated events this month, with Epic Games teasing the upcoming update with another teaser featuring a familiar weapon from another acclaimed Sony title.
2 days until Season 5...
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 10, 2018
The ax isn't an exact replica of Kratos' notorious Levithan a crossover would delight a lot of fans. However, considering that Fortnite is cross-platform for everything but Sony's PS4 and isn't an exclusive this could be just a coincidence.
The 5th season starts in 2 days so we'll find out soon if the God of War is truly joining the ranks.
Fortnite is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC, as well as iOS and Android devices.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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