Mass Effect: Andromeda's New Release Date Revealed
Coming soon in 2017, Mass Effect: Andromeda'
News by Grayshadow on Mar 02, 2016
Don’t expect Mass Effect: Andromeda this year. Sorry for the difficult news but we had to tell you.
Found by user Quentyn on NeoGaf according to EA’s CFO Blake Jorgensen, Mass Effect: Andromeda is scheduled to released in the first quarter of 2017. Originally the game was going to release in the fourth fiscal quarter of 2016 but it never had a solid release date other then holiday 2016.
“We have our Mirror’s Edge runner game this first quarter, and then we have Mass Effect, which is a sci-fi action game, in our fourth quarter. So big year ahead and we’re pretty excited.”
Recently lead writer for Mass Effect: Andromeda, Chris Schlerf, left BioWare to join Bungie and help in the development of Destiny. Hopefully Andromeda will live up the expectations of many fans of the franchise and the developers won't have to release a new ending.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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