Netflix Still Producing Stranger Things Video Game Despite Telltale's Closure

Stranger Things still happening

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 25, 2018

After Telltale Games closure it was made known that the Netflix's series of Minecraft: Story Mode would still be made with the remaining 25 staff members. Now it has been confirmed that Stranger Things will also be produced by Netflix as well despite the closure.

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Speaking to Polygon a Netflix representative stated:

“We are saddened by news about Telltale Games. They developed many great games in the past and left an indelible mark in the industry. Minecraft: Story Mode is still moving forward as planned. We are in the process of evaluating other options for bringing the Stranger Things universe to life in an interactive medium.”

It's unknown if Netflix will find another studio to create the game or keep the remaining staff of Telltale Games to finish the project. In addition, fans have been asking Netflix to save Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season although Telltale is trying to finish the last 2 episodes.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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