New Color Scheme for Nintendo 2DS Revealed

Luigi blamed and celebrated for his mistake

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 05, 2016

In a strange parody video Nintendo has revealed a brand new set of colors for the Nintendo 2DS.

Nintendo 2DS,NoobFeed,Mario Kart 7,

In the video Luigi is shown mixing up the colors for the 2DS change, black on the side instead of the front and Red and Blue on the front.

"This new color swap will be remembered alongside other such innovations as jelly and peanut butter, or roll and rock. Even Mario approved and decided that the new look will start replacing the old one, so everyone should see the color-swapped Nintendo 2DS systems appear in stores this November."

The new Nintendo 2DS systems will come with Mario Kart 7 installed and launch this November.

Source: YouTube

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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