New Images of Spider-Man PS4 Showcase Norman Osborn

The first look at the Norman Osborn

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 18, 2018

Today, developer Insomniac Games releases 4 new images for Spider-Man PS4. 3 of the images feature Spider-Man but 1 of them gives us a first-time look at Norman Osborn.

Spider-Man PS4,Norman Osborn,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,Sony,

It's unclear how Norman will contribute to the story but considering his close relationship with Peter we can assume he'll play a significant role in some capacity.

Spider-Man PS4 will release on September 7th for PS4. Those who preorder the game will gain immediate access to 3 costumes, skills points, early access to the Spider-Drone, custom PS4 theme, and Spider-Man PSN avatar.

Spider-Man PS4,Norman Osborn,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,Sony,Spider-Man PS4,Norman Osborn,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,Sony,Spider-Man PS4,Norman Osborn,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,Sony,

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Adam Siddiqui

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