Pokken Tournament DX Getting New Pokemon

Pokken Tournament DX DLC confirmed

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 11, 2018

Pokken Tournament DX is getting new DLC, but only for the Nintendo Switch version. Sorry Wii U gamers, you won't be getting these new fighters.

Pokken Tournament DX,NoobFeed,Nintendo,Blastoise,

Coming January 31 the Ghost/Steel Pokemon Aegislash will join Pokken Tournament DX. It's  come with new support Pokemon Mimikyu and Mega Rayquaza. Aegislash will have 2 forms, either offensive or defensive stances, while Mega Rayquaza can knock opponents to the ground with a charged attack and Mimikyu can use a close range Shadow Claw attack.

Coming on March 23 is another wave of DLC, Blastoise will join the roster along with the support Pokemon Mew and Celebi. No footage was shown of any of these Pokemon but it's safe to say that Blastoise will utilize his Mega Evolution form and his iconic attack Hydro Pump.

Pokken Tournament DX is available now for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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