Pre-Order Final Fantasy XV on Origin, Get a Free Sims 4 Outfit

EA and Square Enix partner up for special Final Fantasy XV promotion

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 01, 2018

Final Fantasy XV releases on PC next week and EA wants gamers to purchase the game on their platform Origin by offering a unique Sims 4 costume.

Final Fantasy XV,NoobFeed,EA,

2 costumes are available, one for Noctis and the other for the player's avatar in the multiplayer expansion Comrades. The costumes are based on the Sims Classic Red and Purple Llama costumes along with the plumbob floats on their heads.

Pre-orders, or purchases, must occur before May 1st to qualify for the free costumes.

Final Fantasy XV is now available for Xbox One and PS4. It'll release on March 6th for PC alongside the Royale Edition.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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