Rage 2 Roadmap Includes Content Updates All Year Long
New Rage 2 content coming long after the game releases
News by Grayshadow on May 10, 2019
Rage 2 releases in a few days and Bethesda released the official roadmap for the game. Detailing all the future updates coming until fall 2019.
Get a peek at what's comin' in the 2019 #RAGE2 roadmap! It's like a GPS for AWESOMENESS. pic.twitter.com/1wW1D7Vdxi
— RAGE 2 (@RAGEgame) May 10, 2019
The updates for May include:
Wasteland Challenges
Weapon Skins
World Event: Bring the Ruckus
Days 30 Update
World Event: New Ride Mech Yourself Before You Wreck yourself
Wasteland Challenges
Weapon Skins
New Cheat Codes
New Ride: One-Wheeler
Wasteland Challenges
Weapon Skins
World Event: New Enemy Global Worming
Wasteland Challenges
World Event: Mutant Derby
Weapon Skins
Rise of the Ghost Expansion
World Event: Enemy Rageisode 2: Attack of the Drones
Wasteland Challenges
Weapon Skins
Expansion 2
Rage 2 launches on May 14th for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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