Remedy and 505 Games Partner Up for the Making of Control 2

Remedy Entertainment and 505 Games have signed a co-development and co-publishing agreement for the upcoming sequel to Control.

News by Rayan on  Nov 11, 2022

In a recent announcement, Remedy Entertainment revealed that they have entered into a partnership with 505 Games, a worldwide video game publisher and a subsidiary of Digital Bros Group, to develop and publish Control 2, the sequel to Remedy's widely praised game Control.

With an estimated bid of 50 million Euros, Control 2 is being developed, with Remedy retaining full control of the game's IP. It has been agreed that 505 Games and Remedy would divide the costs of making the game, including development, marketing, and post-launch support, and the future net earnings made from the game.

Control 2, Concept Art, Remedy Entertainment, 505 Games, NoobFeed

In 2019, the well-lauded game Control was released. Since its debut, Control has been recognized with over 20 "Game of the Year" accolades, including IGN's 2019 Game of the Year. It was also nominated for 11 BAFTA Games Awards.

"We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Remedy and continue the Control success story together. Since its release in 2019, Control has sold over three million copies, according to the co-CEOs of Digital Bros Group/505 Games, Rami and Raffael Galante. "Control is 505 Games' largest investment to date; thus, it has a particular place in our hearts. Rami and Raffi Galante add, "We are thankful to the whole player community for making Control such a long-lasting and beloved game, and we are even more pleased to release Control 2."

Towards the end of June 2021, Remedy said it had defined strategic partnership conditions with 505 Games for a more lavish iteration of the Control series. Tero Virtala, CEO of Remedy, has confirmed that the larger-scale Control game (formerly known as Codename Heron) is indeed Control 2, a proper successor to the widely praised game Control.

The game is being developed using Remedy's in-house Northlight engine and will be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. If you're playing on a PC, the game will be published by Remedy, whereas if you're playing on a console, it'll be published by 505 Games. The project is still in the brainstorming phase.

Azfar Rayan (@AzfarRayan)
Editor, NoobFeed

Azfar Rayan

, NoobFeed

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