Sea of Solitude Finally Drifts Onto PC, PS4, and Xbox One in July

Jo-Mei Games and EA Originals' Sea of Solitude coming this July

News by Grayshadow on  May 29, 2019

EA's E3 2018 presentation was very poorly received for its heavy emphasis on mobile gaming but the 1 game that really stood out was Sea of Solitude. Made possible thanks to EA Original the title had many excited and now it'll release this July 5th for PC, Xbox One, and PS4 for $19.99.

Sea of Solitude,NoobFeed,EA,

Cornelia Geppert CEO of German Jo-Mei Games explained that “Sea of Solitude centers on the essence of loneliness and tugs on the heartstrings of its players by mirroring their own reality. It’s by far the most artistic and personal project I’ve ever created, written during a very emotional time in my life.” Overall, the developers are still “excited for players to soon experience Kay’s powerful story of self-discovery and healing.”

The news comes ahead of EA Play 2019. With EA not holding a press conference this year for E3 2019 it's likely we'll hear more about their smaller projects leading up to the event.

Sea of Solitude will launch on July 5th for Xbox One, PS4, and be an Origin's exclusive for PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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