Streets Of Rage 4 Rebalance Patch Is Live
Both player characters and bosses have been updated.
News by Fragnarok on Sep 08, 2020
Publisher Dotemu has released an update patch to Streets of Rage 4 that has updated and fixed how many of the characters play and feel. For all characters now special moves can interrupt ground hit stuns and hit freeze, along with faster jump animations. Axel received the most changes with more movement, recovery, and invulnerability frames; although his infinite stun-lock was removed. Cherry also had lots of changes including more invincibility, higher damage, and jump canceling her uppercut. The remaining SOR4 cast received smaller changes, as did retro characters from previous installments. AI issues and bugs were fixed, including some bosses not entering their next attack phase.
Dotemu further stated that the game has received over 1.5 million downloads worldwide. This is great news as the patch also further improves online stability, allowing better connection and lower latency for such a large amount of players. With such a supportive player base, they are already starting production on the next update.
Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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