Super Mario Odyssey Footage Reveals New Boss Battle
Mario won't be facing just Bowser in Super Mario Odyssey, new boss shown
News by Grayshadow on Oct 10, 2017
Super Mario Odyssey is just weeks away and Nintendo has no problem releasing new gameplay footage, this time giving gamers a chance to see a boss battle and ice-themed stage.
The footage comes from the Nintendo World Championship 2017 with gamer Thomas G winning the speed run against John Numbers. In the Deepest Underground area of the game, Mario is confronted by a stone Olmec head with 2 floating functional heads. Sending it fists out to attack the player must avoid these gigantic hands and the ice on the floor. Mario can possess one of the fists and send it back.
Super Mario Odyssey launches for Nintendo Switch on October 27th.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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