Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Wolf Amiibo Revealed
Wolf Super Smash Bros. Ultimate amiibo looks stunning
News by Grayshadow on Jul 12, 2018
Back at E3 2018, it was revealed that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate including every fighter in the entire franchise including some new warriors such as Ridley and Inkling girl/boy. So it shouldn't be a surprise that new amiibos are launching as well, with the latest revelations coming from Nintendo Versus showing Wolf.
Ridley, Inkling and Wolf are coming to the Super Smash Bros. series of #amiibo! These amiibo will arrive 12/7 and will retail for $15.99.
— Nintendo Versus (@NintendoVS) July 12, 2018
Looking for an original Super Smash Bros. amiibo? Many of these will also be re-released starting later this year and will be $12.99
The tweet includes the already revealed Ridley and Inkling Girl Super Smash Brothers. Both of those amiibos will launch on December 7th alongside the game for $15.99 each. In addition, previously released Super Smash Bros. amiibos will launch for the original $12.99.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will launch exclusively for Nintendo Switch on December 7
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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