Yoko Taro Plans to Continue to Work with PlatinumGames
NieR: Automata's director speaks about the game's success and plans to work with PlatinumGames more
News by Grayshadow on Nov 25, 2017
NieR: Automata is one of the best games on the PS4 and this year, selling over 2 million copies and getting a new game in the series. In a recent interview with Game Informer game director, Yoko Taro, opened up about NieR's success and his partnership with PlatinumGames.
Yoko Taro began speaking about how NieR: Automata stated:
"After we released Drakengard 3, I think everyone was well sick of all the games I made by then, and I really didn’t really want to work anymore. I was thinking I’d probably just go and hide in the mountains and live out the rest of my life as a hermit or something. It just so happens at that time Mr. Yosuke Saito, was obviously a bit tired after his work on Dragon Quest and was not thinking straight, decided to give me another chance with something like NieR. That’s how you saw a new NieR; I’m still not sure how that happened."
Taro then spoke about how Automata's success following the series hiatus:
"Certainly from my perspective and from the fan’s perspective, I think everyone thought NieR was a very dead IP at that point, so I was very surprised when they started talking about doing another one. I [thought] it would be very interesting when I heard that Platinum would be developing another one. I didn’t think it’d be a hit, though; I [thought] probably it’d be a very niche game. But no, there was certainly potential there. Looking back on it, I think the kind of games that Platinum makes are very much for those action-game maniacs, and it’s a very closed-off area, but it seemed like an excellent fit with the kind of really geeky worlds that Square Enix makes. I think overall, they became a great combination together."
Taro went on to express interest in working with PlatinumGames:
"It’s not that we’ve got anything lined up immediately, but certainly. I discussed a lot with the young staff on the Platinum team and it would be really great to work with them again in the future. I spoke with our producer at Square Enix, Mr. [Yosuke] Saito as well about doing that in the future. Of course, the other thing is that if Square Enix provides the money, I’ll always make anything they ask for."
If you have time you should read the entire interview. Yoko Taro goes into-depth about development and drinking.
NieR: Automata is now available for PS4.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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