American Pie Band Camp
Reviewed by ForestHump on Mar 02, 2009
I have been sick the last few days, this has given me tons of time to just chill and watch movies. I have watched at least 10 movies over the passed 3 days. Today i got the "pleasure" of watching American Pie Presents Bad Camp. Well.....
Well there isnt really a whole lot there for story. It follows a teenager named stiffler and his mishaps. He goes from being some big football star to a band geek. He does things that dont do much to move the story forward but rather put a layer of "stuff" onto it.
I dont know any of em except for Eugine Levi. He plays the MACRO. The cast overall is standard for an American Pie and brings not a whole lot to the table.
Everything Else
The movie overall is enjoyable to some extent but just feels like the retarted younger brother to the original series. There is some tit-age but not enough to live up to the series. The way the adultry-ness in the movie is displayed is just poor. It really has to much story and not enough comedy to make this a worthwhile movie.
Bottom Line
The movie is OK. Not amazing by any standards but worth watching if your i dont know, sick. The movie does not live up to its name and for that serves no real purpose to any one besides horny 12 year olds who want to see a boob or two. Most of the comedy is rather dry, or just absent all togeather.
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