Call Of Duty 4

Reviewed by ForestHump on  Feb 14, 2009

overall call of duty 4 is a great gameplay experience that any owner of the 360 or any other platform for that matter should have. the only drawbacks i can think of are the single players short length and the fact that all the achievements have to be done on single player.
first off lets get one thing straight, the gameplay is nothing new and revolutionary but it is great none the less. the fact of the matter is that the sum of its parts are much better that each would be by themselves. the controls work perfect for what it should be, a great first person shooter. the only thing that i wih but dosn't change my opinion on the game is the sensitivity adjustment, you can select pre-set levels or do custom but even the custom is numbers, i wish that they would have just put a slider bar in it. o'well. the single player is short but packs a great ounch, and well the multiplayer is a BLAST!!. 

so the way the multiplayer works for those of you who dont know is very addictive. ok so when you first start off online you are a rank 1. you get to higher levels by recieving xp. you get xp by doing just about anything. you get xp, for killing, assisting, completing challenges, holding objectives( headquarters) playing matches(match bonus), capturing objectives, getting kill streaks, using support (UAV, Airstrike, Helicopters) special kills (last stand, or killing while being in a headquarters), and some stuff i probaly left out. as you level up you get new weapons, perks or challenges. there are things called perks that add abilities to your character. things like 2 c4 packs, 2 rpg's, increased damage,last stand ect. when you reach level 4, (takes like 2 matches) you get to create your own class. you get to pick weapon, weapon atachement (sights, silencer, ect) , and 3 perks, there are 3 perk catagories and you pick one from each. 

OK im going to be honest im not much of an audio guy so dont pay close attention to my ability to sucsefully review audio. Anyway the audio from my perspective is great. the sound effects are cool, the voice overs are amzing and the music is very fitting. 

AMAZING. the visuals are superb, it is crystal slear, good brightness, (well on my tv anyway) the animations of reloding crouching moving, ok well all the animations are great. the look of the game is spot on, it seems( to an extent) that i am actually there.


overall call of duty 4 is a great gameplay experience that any owner of the 360 or any other platform for that matter should have. the only drawbacks i can think of are the single players short length and the fact that all the achievements have to be done on single player.



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