Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone

For now Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone offers a start to an adequate journey

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Oct 17, 2015

Since its release Minecraft has been a hub for Machinima, making new worlds and adventures from the creations of the vast community of players. However this time Telltale Games has decided to bring their own brand of storytelling to the acclaimed franchise with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone. While most of the episode is dedicated to explaining all the elements of this new tale the world Telltale has crafted into Minecraft has a lot of potential to become something worth experiencing. For now Episode One serves a light-hearted appetizer for what’s to come.

Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone,Noobfeed,Telltale Games,Minecraft,Story Mode,

Telltale Games, best known for mature titles like The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands and The Wolf Among Us, takes a new perspective for Story Mode. This gentle adventure attempts to appeal to everyone by including aspects fromMinecraft and clever writing without having to indulge in adult rated material as their past games.

Episode 1 is intended to set the stage of the entire 5 episode series, most of the narrative is dedicated into explaining each character’s persona. By the end of the episode everything comes together and I had a full understanding of where I was and who lived in this land.

The humor is light hearted but incredibly written, highlighting Telltale’s mastery in storytelling. Despite being  set in the world of Minecraft Telltale does a excellent job of attempting to encouraging non-Minecraft fans to follow along. However at times I found myself lost in the dialogue due to how heavily it draws on Minecraft lore and inside jokes.

Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone,Noobfeed,Telltale Games,Minecraft,Story Mode,

The main characters is the player’s own creation. Jesse, who can be male or female, is enthusiastic about the world she lives in and enjoys braving and conquering new challenges. The other characters complicate things for Jesse and while each seem one-dimensional at first they eventually become more appealing when they begin to communicate with one another. Each conversation feels alive and fluid, with witty conversation darting back and forth. Coupled with fantastic voice-acting and you have a story that will delight any Minecraft fan and newcomers looking for a entertainingtale. 

Story Mode’s takes everything from Minecraft to help it feel authentic. The blocky visuals, save icon, and music is the same from the original game. However the gameplay isn’t, don’t expect to be building complex structures and exploring vast landscapes in Story Mode. At times I felt like going off any exploring the convention Enercon or journeying through the dark forest, unfortunately, you'll find yourself unable to do so. You’ll have to follow the strict narrative path the developers gave you throughout this new tale fromt he world of Minecraft.

Like other Telltale Games you’ll spend most of your time in timed conversations. Players must choose from one to four options, each which can have different outcomes either in the present or the future. While the decisions don’t have much of an effect in episode 1 you can expect consequences later in the series, as you build relationships with your fellow companions. Other minor gameplay elements include simple puzzles and quick-time events, each serving as minor speed bumps. While some of these distractions are cleverly designed using Minecraft’s crafting system most of them revolve around simple solutions. At times I wondered why include certain puzzles other than extend the length of the episode.

Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone,Noobfeed,Telltale Games,Minecraft,Story Mode,

Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 1 is a decent opening prologue for what’s to come. By the end of the episode I already lamenting on my chooses, wondering if siding with one friend may cause a disastrous outcome later. While the narrative is slow it sets the stage for other episodes, ensuring that the player has a proper understanding of the characters and the situation at hand. Give it time, eventually Story Mode can build itself into something great. For now Minecraft: Story Mode Episode One - The Order of the Stone offers a start to an adequate journey.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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