Back, for real

Games by Din5193 on  Aug 30, 2009

Well, two months without NoobFeed… I’m getting a little anxious about my return!

Anyway, between a mix of family stuff, attempts to get a driver’s license and a job, preparing for another year of school, and helping my father build a deck for a week straight, I haven’t had the time for NoobFeed and GameSpot recently. I'll get around to your blogs shortly, assuming they aren't buried too far down.

Anyways, I’m going to attempt to keep this blog short. I recently felt the urge to play one of my all-time favorite games; Grandia II for the Dreamcast… only to remember that my Dreamcast kicked the bucket recently. So, I went to a nearby GameStop and picked it up the PS2 port of it for a very low price (I hate going to GameStop, but hey, they’ve pretty much got a monopoly as far as selling used/older games goes). Still an amazing game; though whoever worked on the port did an awful job (I can’t remember the company’s name, but I know it wasn’t the people who originally made the game). The graphics are worse, the frame rate is really bad, sounds are jumbled and full of errors… well, the original game had a couple of these problems as well, but not nearly as bad. Anyway, the game itself is still amazing (even with the awful port); an excellent battle system, a great story, and my personal favorite aspect of a game, amazing characters. Especially one in particular… Millenia. (See the new avatar.) She’s one of the most complex and interesting characters I’ve ever seen; 10% goddess, 10% devil, 10% sardonic/coy tease, 10% vicious figher, 10% scared child… and 50% bat-$#*% insane, all wrapped up in a nice little mood-swing-prone package (these numbers are subject to interpretation). :P Hilarity usually ensues whenever she’s around. Anyways, expect to see a review of Grandia II in a short while.

Well, I’ll leave it at that for now. Instead of a picture, I’ll leave you with a very funny video, which you can see here. Good day!


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