Black Ops II: Final Thoughts
It’s almost that time of the year again, when the next Call of Duty is released to the world.
by Fishdalf on Nov 11, 2012
It’s almost that time of the year again, when the next Call of Duty is released to the world and those who get hooked will find a year of their lives flash by in a mass of bullets, shrapnel and airdrop crates. I know I certainly have a Black Ops II fever that I just cannot sweat out and come the conclusion of my shift on Tuesday evening I’ll be bee-lining through traffic like a kid on Christmas morning in anticipation of dropping my first target with a well-placed headshot.
Unfortunately I’m in a mad scramble at the moment to get my hands on the Hardened Edition, which I thought I had pre-ordered the day it was announced but has turned out to be the bog-standard version due to a major brain-fart on the part of the store clerk. I guess it’s not enough that I double-checked with him that it was definitely and unequivocally the version I wanted, maybe in hindsight I should have hit him over the head with my then well-worn copy of Modern Warfare 3 to knock some sense into his near-empty skull. But enough about me and my clear animosity towards that particular gaming outlet and the retail world at large; let’s get into the some of the specific things I’m most looking forward to in the coming weeks and months as far as Black Ops II is concerned.
The Story: I always enjoy partaking in the storylines that the Call of Duty series have offered up over the years and find them immersive and quite liberating experiences. This latest installment has me intrigued already as it promises a constant flipping back and forth between the past and the future and an ending that is bound to see the two coming together under exceptional circumstances. I haven’t delved too far into the specifics of the campaign and have sought to avoid online forums like the plague as more people get their hands on pirated copies. Unlike the multiplayer where I want to devour every single piece of early information available to best prepare me for the tasks ahead. The story, Alex Mason and all that comes with it is something I very much want unspoiled.
The Classes: One of the core foundations of the online component is the class system, forming part of what has made them the forerunners in first-person shooter multiplayer in recent history. This year we see a new class system introduced based on a 10-point formula whereby spending these points allows you to tailor your set-up to suit eccentric play styles. I already have a multitude of potential combinations running through my head and trying and tinkering with these is going to be the source of a large portion of my enjoyment. I’ve always relished playing the assassin role for my team so Hard-Wired, Cold-Blooded and Dead Silence all working with each other sounds like a pretty deadly combination to me, along with maybe the SCAR-H or SMR assault rifle to inflict the crushing blow.
The Maps: With many screenshots and the loading images for each respective map being leaked over the last few days we’re starting to get a pretty good idea of the environments we will be traversing. Searching my way through newly discovered terrains is one of my favourite activities, attempting to unearth strongholds and certain interesting flanking routes that will help me gain an advantage against the enemy. From early impressions Standoff seems like a map perfectly suited to me, somewhat reminiscent of those we were used to seeing in earlier Call of Duty games. Hopefully the half-broken tower that overlooks the streets below can be entered and used as an overwatch, as that would make for some great battles. I can already envisage picking off a few snipers in there.
The Banter: What kept me going for so long in Modern Warfare 3 apart from the game itself were the great characters and personalities I met online. I’ve made some great online-based friends that make up the majority of my current clan and with those I look forward to embarking upon the next journey. I’ve spent many an hour with them talking about ways to improve each of our skill sets and with that we not only improve as individuals but also as a unit. Admittedly I haven’t spoken to some of them in quite some time, so catching up will be the first order of business, followed closely by the decimation of all those that stand before us.
What are you most looking forward to come November 13?
Craig Bryan, NoobFeed
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