Favorite Touhou Fights: Pt 2.5
Games by FetusZero on May 19, 2010
Welcome to the 2.5th part of my Touhou Favorite Fights blog! Why Part 2.5? Because this one blog is entirely dedicated to the bosses in the 12th Project, commonly called Undefined Fantastic Object. Not only does it allow me to still call it a Trilogy due to the number, but I'll also be able to show off 3 of my favorite and brutal girls of UFO.
First of all, before starting, I'll begin by saying that all of these videos have been recorded while playing on the Normal difficulty. While the others were on Hard, I am not yet experienced enough in the 12th Touhou Project to deliver a good run on harder difficulties, I find the game brutal enough as it is on the regular and default selection. That's not to say I didn't try though.. because I did, but even the third stage would kick the life out of me, so you're getting Normal only ;p
12th Touhou Project ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
I decided to begin the small series of videos with the third stage boss: Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan. Yes, as strange as it can be, there are two names because there are two beings. Ichirin is the typical girl as with the other games while Unzan is what seems to be an angry pink cloud.. Yep, a pink cloud. He even has a beard, but being pink doesn't mean he isn't scary. Unzan will continuously try to crush you with his big fists, which makes this entire battle quite unique the franchise. The fists cover a much wider area than regular bullets, meaning you have to move around a lot more all while dodging the bullets and they are, more specifically, the reason to why it is one my favorite bosses in UFO. Not only that, but it comes with a nice sound effect too. As you will quickly notice with this and the other videos, TH12 is literally filled with flashy bullets of different colors and as you may have noticed, I have a weakness for these. Luckily for me though, Ichirin doesn't have too many lasers..
Undefined Fantastic Object: Stage 03 ~ Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan
The next one comes directly after and is of Minamitu Murasa, also known as Captain Murasa. As her name says, she is the captain of a flying boat and she wants the small treasures you have brought along the way. Before I begin with the boss, let me explain the treasures. In UFO, you probably saw that I was capturing small UFOs and at he count of 3, a big UFO appears on the screen. Destroying one will give you items and will erase every bullets from the screen. If you managed to kill enough enemies and the UFO absords enough of the dropped items, it gives you a special item right away as well as when it explodes. Red UFOs give 1/4 (or 1/5) of a full life, Green UFOs give a complete bomb and part of a bomb on destruction, Blue UFOs increase the multiplier if points, and multicolored UFOs give.. I don't know. These are the treasures, which are believed to be implemented in the game as some sort of reference to Space Invaders, which celebbrated its 30th anniversary the year before (in the final stages, the fairies move in the exact same pattern as in Space Invaders).
Now, let's move on to our little Captain. I love the fight because quite literally, she's a pain in the behind. She throws some big anchors at you, which reminds me a lot of the fists with the exception that there is many more of them at one point and they tend to come with a bit more of a claustrophobic bullet pattern. What has really caught my eye in this fight though is her final spell card because it has to be timed out, meaning you cannot hit her and must survive for the entirety of the spell, which I miserably fail every single time and die. Her ghost form also has some nice sound effects, and the anchors as well. Really I can't explain why, but I really love the sound effects in TH12 lol. So without further details, here comes our little Captain Murasa.
Undefined Fantastic Object: Stage 04 ~ Minamitu Murasa
And here comes the final video for this part of the trilogy, the one and only video that was originally planned to make it into the blog, the one where I had to cheat a little in order to record a semi-proper run for you people, the stage 5's boss: Syou Toramaru. Syou is a beast, I hate her deeply, but I can't get over the fact that the lasers' sound effects makes me come back for more of it. I may have said this to some people already but, what's worse than lasers and bullets? Curling/moving lasers that transforms into bullets! Syou will throw those wicked moving lasers everywhere and even when they are straight, she begins them with a circling pattern leaving me little time to read their destination. It doesn't change the fact that I really love their sound effects though..
I said I cheated a little and to me, it is true. You see, Touhou comes with a Practice mode where you can "practice" the stages you've already beaten only. The thing is that I used that specific mode to record this fight, because I was unable to provide a good run when playing through the game normally. The good news is that to access it in Practice mode, I had to beat it first during a regular playthrough, so that's not entirely cheated, is it? Oh and I bombed my way through one of the attacks because I didn't feel like reading the paths of her terrible lasers.. you lasers!
Undefined Fantastic Object: Stage 05 ~ Syou Toramaru
So that's it. These are my main favorite bosses from Undefined Fantastic Object and quite honestly, I could have put every bosses in the blog since I love them all. UFO is just special and brutal, every single second of it looks amazing and every single fights are unique and enjoyable in their own way, but I decided to cut this to my 3 favorite ones in order to stay consistent with the previous blogs. As you can see, I'm also deeply in love with the sound effects of this game lol. Anyway, I'm also sorry for the music in the first video, I believe it is a lot louder than in the other videos, but I had to do a change of peripherals and stuff after upgrading my PC and this was the first video I edited after, it shouldn't be an issue with the 2 other videos.
Well I'll see you again NoobFeed for the final, TRUE final part of this Trilogy where I will show yet one of the most recent game I acquired in the franchise: Double Spoiler, which is the 12.5th Project. I will also keep that small second video of the blog as a surprise, although many people probably have seen it already since it's been uploaded for quite some time. Until then, have a good day!
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