Got the PS3 80GB with Killzone 2 and MGS4

Games by Nerdboy on  Jul 26, 2009

I'll be adding the ones who put their psn's in the last blog post and if you didn't add me Nerd_Boy777 and make sure you include that you're from noobfeed so i know who you are ;D

Also I bought some psn games and redownloaded the ones that I already own.

Here's what I have from memory (im sure i'll forget one):


Killzone 2


Disgaea 3


Trash Panic


WipEout HD w/ Fury add-on

Astro Tripper

Burn Zombie Burn

Penny Arcade Episode 1

Linger in Shadows

Crash Commando

Fallout 3

Megaman 9


That's all I can think of right now.  Anyways expect an invite from me soon.

Curtis Humphrey

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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