Most Disappointing Games of 2017
What games disappointed gamers this year?
by Grayshadow on Dec 18, 2017
While we had some amazing games this year such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7, and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice some games failed to meet player expectations. Desired and heavily sought after these games, when released, caused gamers to sigh in disappointment. These are the most disappointing games of 2017.
The Mass Effect franchise, since its debut in 2007, garnered massive acclaim thanks to strong story-telling, incredible characters, and steadily improved combat. Despite its initial backlash regarding the finale of the original trilogy, the Mass Effect series has been noted as one of the best trilogies of all time. When Mass Effect: Andromeda was announced you can probably guess that many fans expected an outstanding game that shares the same quality of the previous titles. However, like the novel Mass Effect: Deception, many fans couldn't have predicted what was about to happen.
The game released with a myriad of bugs and glitches that required extensive patches to fix. Beyond that, the game's story, especially the main character Ryder, were poor and didn't hold up to the standard expected from this franchise. It was predictable and overall uninteresting with a lackluster ending. Many were hoping for single-player content to fill in the blanks but instead, more focus was placed on the game's mediocre multiplayer with BioWare confirming that no single-player content was coming.
It wasn't until Kotaku's Jason Schreier extensive research uncovered the game's harsh development process. Citing trouble management as one of many major issues that occurred during development. In the end, BioWare Montreal's developers were moved to EA Motive and placing the Mass Effect franchise on hiatus. A shocking and heartbreaking end to one of the best science-fiction franchises of all time.
EA's image in the gaming community has taken a negative turn for the worst, not only for Mass Effect: Andromeda, Visceral Games closing, comments against linear games, but the recent release of Star Wars Battlefront 2. The first game was heavily criticized for being a dull arcade shooter with barely any content and an expensive season pass and the second game decided to open a new can of worms.
When its debut through the Elite Tropper Deluxe Edition gamers quickly took to the internet to vent their concerns. Explaining the game's predatory pay-to-win mechanics, heavy use of loot boxes, and slow progression system. The game's launch was such as tragedy that Disney, owners of the Star Wars IP, took action against EA to remove the microtransaction for refinement. However, the damage has been done and governments around the world are taking action against these practices.
Considering the state of Mass Effect, Visceral Games closing, and the heavy use of microtransactions in not only Star Wars Battlefront but Madden, FIFA, and the recently released Need for Speed Payback EA has lost the trust of many gamers.
Many hoped that Sonic Forces would recapture the same joy that Sonic Generations brought back in 2011. After the release of Sonic Mania, and its positive reception, the desire for Sonic Forces grew until it released.
Unlike Sonic Generations Sonic Forces delivered a short and uninteresting gameplay experience. Most of the game had you playing as a new character called The Avatar and the stages featuring Classic Sonic were troublesome due to the vexing jump system that many criticized for being too floaty.
Infinite was the biggest issue. He had a lot of potential but quickly fumbled due to his contrasting cinematic and gameplay features. In one scene you see Infinite easily defeating Sonic without much trouble but in another can be defeated by the Avatar? Combined with short stages that can all be completed in about 3 hours and boring boss battles it was frustrating to see SEGA take a step backward.
What were the most disappointing games of 2017 for you? Let us know in the comments below!
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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