New avy, New level and a Not so Funny video

Other by Sleven on  Dec 27, 2009

I've got this avy from a friend from GS. Had to wait for a month to get my hands on it. I liked it so much that I made him change his :P


And, another new level in a very quick time. I've been on fire lately :D Every day passing, I'm starting to like this community more and more. I remember few months back when I stated that I'll only post in special occasions. Now it seems like every single day is a special occasion here :P Like I've said before this site has some real cool members and NF will turn into a very good community if taken proper care.


Here is an unusual video from Team Fortress. It's not really funny but has something to laugh at.




Finally, do any of you know how to unlock the Super Fuel emblem (Super Fuel emblem). If you try to save it as an image, it says blog-44x44.jpg but I can't figure out how it can be for blogs. King has more blogs than canana and he doesn't have it. Any thoughts?

Sleven Junior

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