off topic news

News by Goliath on  Jan 15, 2010

Thats one thing i lik about this site. You can share just random things and no on will care oo much. I guess we shouldn't make it a regular thing though. First of all i finally got my science exam back. 79% pretty good considering i didnt understand this unit at all and then on the same day i got another test which i got 88% on which is pretty nice. Getting ready for finals on wendsday. Gonna go back to middle school and visit some old teachers of mine. hmm what else oh somthing not off topic is that i have rekindled my love with RA2. i think i just might write a review for it. My mother has left to washington without me (again) and now my brother is staying over. I finally got a cell phone so now i have connection to the local world instead of my hovel. Just wanted too say i got the greatest complement i have ever recived yesterday. it was  "How are you so good at everything you do?" it was particularily good because i dont even talk to the guy much. Not trying to gloat or anything though.

Sheldon Walker

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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