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Phalanx has to die

 by Grayshadow on  Jan 30, 2018

Aberrus is a brand new World of Warcraft raid that has been accessible since May 8. The place is basically an experimental laboratory of our old acquaintance Neltharion, a.k.a. Deathwing. As Azeroth's mightiest heroes, we are to venture into the Shadowed Crucible. We must prevent the Sundered Flame and its leader, Sarkareth, from "claiming the legacy" of the former Aspect of the Black Dragonflight.

This article presents a quick overview of the raid zone itself, the bosses we will encounter, the loot that can drop there, and other related things. Note that the enemies you will face will show no mercy, and the battles awaiting you in the Crucible might be challenging and tough.

WoW: Dragonflight, Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible


Players confront nine bosses divided into four different wings for the Raid Finder purposes. The list of the encounters goes as follows:

1) Kazarra, the Hellforged, one of Deathwing's experiments and the guardian of Aberrus.

2) The Amalgamation Chamber, consisting of two Elemental bosses who combine into one during the encounter.

3) The Forgotten Experiments, Neltharion's creations who came to life during his development of the Dracthyr.

4) Assault on the Zaqali, which is a warband with Warlord Kagni as their leader.

5) Rashok, the Elder, one of the Zaqali who has been imprisoned in Aberrus for many years.

6) Zskarn, the Vigilant Steward, who tested the subjects of Neltharion's experiments back in the day.

7) Magmorax, a lava hydra guarding the deepest chambers of the Shadowed Crucible.

8) Echo of Neltharion, the remains of the former Black Dragonflight Aspect's power.

9) Scalecommander Sarkareth, the Sundered Flame leader who will stop at nothing to claim the Earth-Warder's legacy.

WoW: Dragonflight, Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible

The first three listed bosses can be found in the first wing of LFR (Looking For Raid), The Discarded Works. The next three encounters are a part of the Fury of Giants, the following wing. Neltharion's Shadow is the next part of the raid, with Magmorax and Echo of Neltharion presenting it. Finally, the last boss, Sarkareth, awaits us at the Edge of the Void.

If you use the Raid Finder often, keep in mind that the mentioned wings open one by one with certain time intervals. You may check the schedule below:

1) The Discarded Works - May 8
2) Fury of Giants - May 22
3) Neltharion's Shadow - June 5
4) Edge of the Void - June 19

On those dates, you will get access to the respective raid wings in LFR. As for Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties, you can already enter the raid and fight all the bosses down to the last one. You won't have to wait.

WoW: Dragonflight, Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible


Now we are getting to the most interesting part — loot. The Shadowed Crucible is a rewarding raid since many great items may drop there. Let's take a look at the equipment first.

The item level of gear dropped depends on two things. The first is the raid difficulty - the higher it is, the better items you get. Another impactful factor is the position of each boss in their numerical order. In other words, the first encounters bring the lowest possible item-level equipment. The last 2 bosses drop the best gear the raid has to offer.

Items dropped in Aberrus vary from 402 to 457 ilvl depending on everything mentioned above. Here is the list of gear quality based on the raid difficulty:

1) LFR: 402–418
2) Normal: 415–431
3) Heroic: 428–444
4) Mythic: 441–457

Note that the ilvl of equipment dropped from the same boss on the same difficulty may also vary. The reason for that is the items marked as "Very Rare." They have a lower drop chance but a higher level.

Aside from that, Aberrus can offer you Profession Recipes and mounts. Although Shadowflame Shalewing cannot be obtained in the raid itself, you can get it after completing the Glory of the Aberrus Raider achievement. In addition, you might receive Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged from Mythic Sarkareth. This Drakewatcher Manuscript unlocks a unique customization option for your Highland Drake.

We hope this article has given you a decent image of what Aberrus looks like. Still, this is only a general overview, and your own experience matters a lot more. Have fun in the new raid, and good luck with exploring and conquering the Shadowed Crucible!


Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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