Top 10 Games of 2010

Games by King on  Jan 10, 2010

A quick run down of games I'm excited about in 2010:

10. Heavy Rain


9. No More Heroes 2


8. Final Fantasy 13


7. 3D Dot Game Heroes


6. Mass Effect 2


5. White Knight Chronicles


4. Metroid: Other M


3. Gran Turismo 5


2. The Last Guardian


1. God of War III


There's a few games that might have made the list if we knew more about them:

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIII Versus

New Zelda

Castlevania – Lords of Shadow

Fallout: New Vegas


and here's some honorable mentions:



Bioshock 2

Sin and Punishment 2

Monster Hunter Tri

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

Dark Void

Logan Smithson

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