Top Black Ops II YouTube Commentators

Craig Bryan has compiled a list of Top Black Ops 2 YouTube Commentators who are not only entertaining to watch, but also compelling to listen to.

 by Fishdalf on  Jan 09, 2013

Hello NoobFeeders and welcome to another Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 feature –focusing on not necessarily the best, but certainly some of my favourite Call of Duty commentators on YouTube. There are literally thousands of users all trying to get your attention and it’s hard to know what ones are worth watching and what ones are a total waste of your time – this is where I come in. I’ve compiled a list of those who are not only entertaining to watch, but also compelling to listen to, and if you subscribe and stick with these guys you’ll be glad you got to know them.

COD, Call of Duty, BO2, BOII, Black Ops II, Black Ops 2, NoobFeed Feature, Top BO2 YouTube Commentators, YouTube, Modern Warfare 3, Killstreaks, Scorestreaks, The Swarm, VSAT, EMP, Treyarch, Activision, WhiteBoy7thst, Ali-A, Matroix, JayEx23, Mrs5oooWatts, WingsofRedemption, New BO2 Multiplayer Strategy – Crazy Gameplay, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL – BO2 LIVE, Destination Diamond 11,  This Aint PS3 Baby!, Is It Ok To Rage Quit!?, Target Finder Makes you a NoOb, British Commentator, Female Commentator


If you’re into the YouTube scene then chances are you’ve already heard of this guy, but to the uneducated he is someone you should definitely be watching. He’s a little offbeat and a little bit nuts in the nicest possible way, and it’s these traits that make him compelling to watch. The video below demonstrates these qualities to full effect, with him tossing C4 packs and Hunter Killers at the enemy in devastating yet comedic fashion. In short, he’s a breath of fresh air if you’re tired of watching the same 100+ kill gameplays from guys with the personality of a sponge.

New BO2 Multiplayer Strategy – Crazy Gameplay


The first of two British commentators I’d like you all to check out is Ali-A, who is always the first to post all the latest Call of Duty news as and when it comes in. He’s polite, clear and informative and is someone that really grows on you as a person. He’s just reached an epic one million subscribers and each and every one is fully deserved. His live commentaries - where he destroys the opposition in a variety of party games - are my particular favourites, infusing talented gameplay with his dry sense of humour. Discover what I’m talking about via the video below.



The second of the British commentators is Jay and with him you get a bit of everything, from Top 5 Beasts of the Week, spanning many games, to his Destination Diamond series, on his quest to complete every weapon camouflage on Black Ops 2. He has a really honest and down-to-earth sense of humour and when his mind wanders off on random tangents you get some absolutes gems. I wouldn’t necessarily label him as the best player per say, but if that’s what you’re looking for then perhaps you should look elsewhere. If you want entertainment value then this is your guy.

Destination Diamond #11 – This Ain’t PS3 Baby!


As her name suggests she is a female commentator in a sea of testosterone-driven videos over on YouTube. Don’t be mistaken for thinking she can’t hold her own though, because she has some pretty tidy skills on a controller and is one of the first to post a gameplay with multiple Swarms. Her focus on the VSAT, EMP and Swarm Scorestreaks combination is now mimicked by thousands and has personally helped me on the way to my first couple. With the perfect mix of friendliness, flirtatiousness and feistiness she’s an up-and-comer you should definitely become accustomed with.

Is It Ok To Rage Quit!?


Your boy WingsofRedemption is arguably one of the most influential commentators since the trend of talking over video games became popular. In fact many of the play styles you see from some of the top players in the game are taken from his unique way of getting one over on an array of noobs. If you’re looking to straight up improve your game and do so from a straight talking guy who tells it exactly how it is then your search is over. The video below is a prime example of how he plays the way he wants to without conforming to a general consensus and you should to.

Target Finder Makes you a NoOb

That’s it for another Black Ops 2 feature. I hope you take the time to watch some of these videos and learn a little something from them, as not only have they helped my game come on in leaps and bounds, but they’ve also kept me thoroughly entertained for many a late night in work. Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll catch you all next time.

Also check Top MW3 YouTube Commentators.

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed
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Craig Bryan

, NoobFeed

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