Top Emblem Hunters - January Edition

Other by Tanya on  Jan 15, 2010

First 'Top 10 Emblem Hunters' blog of 2010.


1. canana (20)
2. RON (16)
2. ILIAS (16)
3. fishdalf (15)
4. Tanya (14)
5. serbsta (13)  
5. King (13)
6. Woozie(12)
7. Nirvana (11) 
7. biZZy (11)
8. ForestHump (9)
8. bluezy (9)
8. Shindiggah (9)
8. EliteEdge (9)
8. Big_Boss (9)
9. kelaidis (8)
9. Yianis (8)
9. azn_pride (8)
10. anihimrox (7) 


Are you still not in the list? Follow this guide and fulfill your dream.


Emblem Facts:

  • Total number of emblems 31.
  • Shindiggah is the first person to lose his Publicist emblem.
  • Both canana and Tanya got their contributor emblems upgraded.
  • No news of GOTY emblem yet.
  • N0 NEW emblem has been unlocked in 4 months.

Borna Tanya

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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