Top Reviewers for NF
General by BiZZy on Aug 02, 2009
Hey there, happy friendship day again to all. If you want more wishes from other members then you can visit my previous blog.
here's the link :
Well i've been thinking of making this list for a long time & now i've made it !
There are about 130 reviews in this site; so thanks to those members who are writing those for us !
This blog is just not a list; just to inspire you to write reviews more as you are blogging & posting a lot more than this !
*If you need any suggestion on review head here
*If you consider yourself as a pro reviewer, contact fishdalf, Senior Co Editor,
*Our review page is still very young. So if you feel like reading any NoobFeed Official reivew, request here
*let’s post our review links here when we write any
here comes the list; check out !
1. canana 17
2. fishdalf 12
3. King 8
4. ForestHump 7
5. azn_pride 6
bluezy 6
6. -Moroes- 5
7. ILIAS 4
kelaidis 4
SymbolliC 4
8. nerdboy 3
shat 3
9. anihimrox 2
Din5193 2
eyefire 2
Fusion 2
Scientist 2
Shindiggah 2
SvV_Ying 2
10. AnelZukic 1
Darky 1
dcpc10 1
Ev3rton 1
mrhankey 1
Shadow 1
wicked 1
Woozie 1
XparagonX 1
I made this blog + list from RON's last blog & viewing every profile from RON's friend list. So there may be some people who wrote review/s but they are not in the list. I'm sorry for that! But you can let me know as i can put those names in the list !
Thank you all, have a nice day !
& of course start reviewing ! If you can write one, you're in the top ten !!
ba bye !
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