two weeks...

General by BrunoBRS on  Sep 21, 2009

two weeks. 14 days. 336 hours. 20160 minutes. 1209600 seconds.


most people know what i've been suffering through this year. school 6 days a week (seven on the last 2 months), study morning, afternoon and night, no holidays, only one week to rest every 8 weeks of endless study.


in one week, i'll have a test. in two, i'll have THE test. the one that says "you can get in this university" or "you fail. do everything again. see you next year". and then, i can rest.


i can go back studying only 5 days a week (just until i finish all the subjects, just in case that *points at previous paragraph* doesnt turn out well), sleeping until late on saturdays, and, believe it or not, get back to my former activity.


coincidentally, i ordered Metroid Prime Trilogy AND The Beatles Rock Band, and they should both be coming right after THE test is over. and i still have to figure out what would be cheaper: guitar hero world tour with all instruments + guitar hero 5 or GH 5 with all instruments.


now there are a lot of games i'll try to get this holiday season, and right now those are the only ones available. yes, i want muramasa, but for some reason i can't find it on any release charts over here...


on other news, after finally getting all the light seeds in Prince of Persia, i decided to try the Xfire video recording tool. sure, there's no sound and it's a bit lagged, but it's still surprising, when compared to the other video recording tools... besides, Xfire uploads it for me :D


check my Xfire profile here for some nice prince of persia footage. please watch them :D. no i wont be joining the Xfire community. i'm not too much of a PC gamer so i wouldnt really fit there.





BrunoBRS resting on the spoony bard inn

Bruno Sampaio

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