Yeah... I'm here

General by Karsciyin on  Mar 03, 2009

Not that there isn't a lot to do here or anything, but I think there is a very strong emphasis on the forums... Iread the forums, most of the topics at least, but don't post on them much. So even though I'm technically really active, it doesn't seem that way. :(

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the time Nobbfeed gets all it's schmancy working - it will be such a cool place to be!
I remember seeing a post some user had made about 'where are the games' or whatever (foresthump appeared to have hated him for it and want him banned) - I don't know if he meant to play, or if he was looking for an information database. I think that although having an info database would be useful, it sure owuld be a lot of work and we probably couldn't put one in. WHich is really a pity, because in this way we can lose a lot of users to sites like GameSpot, however glitchy they may be.
Is anyone expereiced with Flash here? SOmeone could tyr make a 'mini game' of some sort. Actually I remember seeing a site somewhere which provided free Flash games to embed into your site. I think that would be a great way to wittle away the hours - Flash games are unbelieveably addictive, wouldn't you say?
Actually, I'm not even sure why I started writing this except to confirm that I see you... I always see you everywhere... even ifI say nothing.

...oh, and I suppose my page was a bit empty. I would say it still is. Is there a reason only (new and old) blogs appear on our main profile? Well, myabe reviews do to... but I'm not really aware of that.

Caroline J

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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