Renowned inventor and regarded as “The Father of Video Games”, Ralph Baer, has passed away at the age of 92. Baer’s most notorious work was designing the machine called the Brown Box in 1966 that would become the Magnavox Odyssey, the world’s first video game console, in 1972. Whether handheld or console, every system created can be traced back to the Odyssey. Baer’s was also responsible for creating the first light gun and game for home television use. Baer had accumulated over 150 U.S. And foreign patents throughout his career.
Born in Germany in 1922 Baer’s family fled the Nazis two months after the Kristallnacht attacks on Jewish homes and stores. Baer’s would later work in electronics and in 2006 was awarded the National Medal of Technology by President George W Bush for his work in pioneering the video game industry, G-Phoria Legend Award in 2005, the IEEE MasaruIbuka Consumer Electronics Award in 2008, the 2008 Game Developers Choice Pioneer Award and many other honors. On April 1, 2010 Baer was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Frame at a ceremony at the United States Department of Commerce in Washington D.C..
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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