Best Buy has announced that membership price for their “Gamers Club Unlocked” will change from $99.99 to $30.00 for the two-year membership. The retailer made the announcement today and stated the price change will go into effect on March 8.
The perks of this paid membership include 20 percent all new physical retail games, 10 percent off used games and 10 percent trade-in bonus of all games you sell back to Best Buy. Subscribers will also gain twice the My Best Buy points on purchases of all new games, digital games and gaming accessories. This also includes Amiibo purchases.
To compare to GameStop’s own PowerUp Rewards Pro program, which is $14.99 a year, offers a free subscription to Game Informer magazine, 10 percent off used games and 10 percent trade-in bonuses.
So which one sounds more appealing to you or does purchasing an upgraded membership not interest you? Sound off in the comments below telling us why.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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