It's not that usual to see games that are more than a decade old get expansions. When Titan Quest received its relaunch, under THQ Nordic, in the form of the Anniversary Edition, we saw it as a neat occasion to revisit a pretty darn good aRPG. With the surprise release of Titan Quest Ragnarök, however, there's a fair amount of new things to see. The expansion adds a new act that takes players through the lands of the Celts, the Northmen and the Asgardian gods. The Runemaster joins the roster of Masteries as the tenth playable one. Runemasters use both spells and weapons in battle and can combine their knowledge with that of other masteries, as expected.
Titan Quest Ragnarök raises the level cap to 85 while also adding a new experience curve. The new areas come with new foes as well as new weapons. The latter were also added to the previous acts of the game. Thrown weapons are an entirely new weapon class, striking the balance between range and speed. Player characters can now wear pants, too. Have a look at the expansion's trailer. Titan Quest Ragnarök is available now for the discounted price of $14.99 USD. The expansion requires Titan Quest Anniversary Edition in order to be playable.
Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed
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