A Dead Space Movie May Have Been Accidentally Announced
John Carpenter may have accidentally let slip that there is a Dead Space movie in the works alongside the remake of the first game.
News by LCLupus on Jan 14, 2023
John Carpenter is an absolutely legendary filmmaker who directed films like The Thing, Assault on Precinct 13, and Christine. He is also a big fan of video games, and, during an interview, he let slip that even though he wanted to work on a Dead Space movie, that there is “another director involved.” Which implies that there is a Dead Space movie on the way.
This small slip up was during a lengthy interview with Variety, in which John Carpenter discussed all sorts of films. The section on Dead Space is a single question that received a single paragraph-length response, but it tells us a lot. If a director like John Carpenter was interested in making a Dead Space movie, then any video game company would absolutely jump on the idea unless they were already contractually bound to another director.
A Dead Space movie also makes sense as the Dead Space Remake of the first game is currently in development and EA has always been interested in turning Dead Space into a multimedia franchise. Back in the day, when EA was trying to turn the original Dead Space into a major franchise, the company also produced Dead Space: Downfall in 2008 and Dead Space: Aftermath in 2011. Therefore, the possibility of a movie to tie in with the remake is not out of the question.
It’s disappointing that EA could have potentially gotten its hands on John Carpenter to direct and simply didn’t, but as game development is incredibly long-term and intricate at present, it’s possible that a movie has secretly been in development for a very long time too. Perhaps one day, if the remake of Dead Space becomes the success that EA wants, we may be able to get a movie in the franchise that’s directed by John Carpenter. Stranger things have happened!
Justin van Huyssteen (@LC_Lupus)
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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