Avenger's Themed Event Coming to Fornite

Epic and Marvel team up

News by Grayshadow on  May 07, 2018

Fortnite: Battle Royale's developer and Marvel are teaming up for a special promotional crossover featuring none other than the star antagonist of Avengers: Infinity War Thanos.

Fortnite,Infinity War,NoobFeed,

Starting May 8th a new mode called "Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup" players can take control of the powerful Titan complete with the Infinity Gauntlet as a useful item. 100-players will be shooting it for the chance to use the gauntlet and become the Mad Titan.

Fortnite is available now on early access for iOS and Mac, PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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